Our Animal Welfare Pillar
At Danone, animal welfare is one of the three core pillars to our Regenerative Agriculture Strategy, as happy and healthy animals, from pollinators to cows, all have a positive impact on farmers, consumers and the environment. Securing the health and well-being of animals is vital to ensuring a prosperous and diverse ecosystem.
Respecting animal welfare is key to responsible farming. Danone is committed to working with farmers and other partners to bolster animal welfare and achieve better conditions for all animals. Danone worked with Compassion in World Farming (CIWF), and other animal welfare experts, to develop our animal welfare framework, which is based on the internationally recognised Five Freedoms developed by the Farm Animal Welfare Council. We are working to ensure the 5 freedoms of animal welfare are present on all our farms, for all species.
Danone monitors animal welfare through our Danone Animal Welfare Scorecard for dairy and we continuously aim to increase positive impacts and transparency in our supply chains.
The Five Freedoms
Freedom from hunger and thirst
All animals have free access to fresh quality water and a healthy diet to maintain their health and vigour
Freedom from discomfort
All animals get access to shelter and comfortable resting areas
Freedom from pain, injury and disease
All farmers and farm workers work hard to prevent disease, diagnose and treat animals quickly
Freedom from fear and distress
All animals are treated with respect, and if ill, receive rapid diagnosis, treatment and care to avoid any suffering
Freedom to express normal behaviour
All animals are provided with sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind
Find out more in our 2020 Animal Welfare Progress Report.