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Orientação temática

Descubra os nossos documentos temáticos para aprender mais sobre as melhores práticas que pode implementar para melhorar a gestão do rebanho, da ração e do solo!

Animal Welfare Guide – FR

Fertiliser Management Factsheet

The dependency to intensively use certain fertilizers can be damaging for soil, leading to disbalance and loss of natural fertility potential over time. Read our factsheet to find out more about fertiliser best practices!

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Water Quality Management Factsheet

Water quality is vital for the success of agriculture, and in turn, proper agricultural management practices are necessary to meet domestic water quality standards and provide for a healthy ecosystem. Certain agricultural practices result in water pollution due to the run-off of fertilizers, slurry, silt, chemicals and pathogens into rivers, streams and bays. Read our factsheet to find out more about water quality management best practices!

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Water Quantity Management Factsheet

Fresh water is essential to life and is one of the irreplaceable resources needed in agriculture. It is a very scarce resource that is becoming more and more difficult to access, especially in certain regions of the world where water stress has become a pressing issue. Read our factsheet to find out more about water quantity management best practices!

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Pesticides & Weeds Management Factsheet

Pest, weeds and fungus can have a devastating impact on farmland which can be widely avoided with the use of pesticides. However, some of these products can in turn disrupt soil biotic communities — the very life that drives soil carbon sequestration. Read our factsheet to find out how to best manage pesticides and weeds on your farm!

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Manure Management Factsheet

Manure management refers to capture, storage, treatment, and utilization of animal manures in an environmentally sustainable manner. Take a look at our factsheet to find out more on manure management best practices.

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One source of methane emissions is from the natural process of enteric fermentation, which occurs in the rumen of ruminants. Enteric fermentation represents 43% of the GHG footprint for every drop of milk produced on farm. Farms can implement certain actions to help reduce methane production, which would lower the farms’ GHG footprint and reduce their environmental impact.

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O bem-estar animal é um assunto fundamental para as explorações de gado leiteiro. As vacas criadas nas melhores condições de bem-estar são mais felizes, saudáveis, vivem mais e são mais produtivas. Para os consumidores de laticínios, a garantia do nível de bem-estar animal, cada vez mais, determina a decisão de compra.

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Como aumentar a porcentagem de habitat natural?

O desenvolvimento da agricultura intensiva e a consequente destruição do habitat natural gerou sérias consequências para a biodiversidade. Há uma urgência de se recriar esses habitats naturais.

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Monitoramento & ferramentas de avaliação

Faça o download das nossas ferramentas de avaliação da agricultura regeneradora para avaliar o desempenho da sua exploração agrícola. Você é iniciante, avançado ou está entre os melhores alunos?

Danone Social Handbook 2023

This Handbook is designed to help technicians and practitioners assess farms’ level of adherence to regenerative agriculture social principles, based on Danone Social scorecard, and advise them on continuous improvement plans and best practices. It provides a brief description of the practices being assessed and further details on how to rate these practices on a farm, with tips and examples.

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Esse guia vai ajudá-lo a avaliar a implementação de práticas da agricultura regeneradora para proteger o solo.

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Danone Environmental Scorecard – Introduction

This document introduces the 2022 Danone Environmental Scorecard – our Pillar 1 assessment tool that defines regenerative practices for initiated, advanced and best in class practitioners, which can be applied no matter what the farming system or ingredient is.

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Este é um documento de livre acesso. Fique à vontade para usar essa ferramenta e juntar-se ao nosso movimento! Acreditamos que juntos podemos promover a agricultura regeneradora e desenvolver todo o seu potencial para a criação de um mundo mais sustentável, justo e resiliente.

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Perguntas mais frequentes

Este documento centra-se nas perguntas gerais sobre a estrutura, o funcionamento e aplicabilidade da tabela de desempenho ambiental

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Avaliação das práticas da agricultura regeneradora

Ferramenta de avaliação + manual

Este é um documento de livre acesso. Fique à vontade para usar essa ferramenta e juntar-se ao nosso movimento! Acreditamos que juntos podemos promover a agricultura regeneradora e desenvolver todo o seu potencial para a criação de um mundo mais sustentável, justo e resiliente.

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Ferramentas de formação

Descubra o nosso material de formação, do guia sobre a agricultura regeneradora aos seminários sobre a Farming for Generations!

F4G Web-Talk: How Improving Youngstock Management Will Reduce The Carbon Footprint of Milk

F4G Web-Talk: Where To Find The Best Practices Available For Your Farm

F4G Web-Talk: Increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency to Lower Carbon Emissions

F4G Web-Talk: Discovering Cow Brush Benefits

F4G Web-Talk: Creating Insights to Improve Herd Management

F4G Web-Talk: How to Keep Improving Feed Efficiency

F4G Web-Talk: What We Know Today To Keep Improving Soil Health

NORAM Webinar Series: Identifying the Right Regenerative Agriculture Practices for Your Operation

NORAM Webinar Series: Farm Carbon Impact – Establishing a Baseline